Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Still Life

This was the first assignment that I had to do for my Lighting class.  This was also toward the very beginning of the semester.  I used to work at the Target Portrait Studio and I just recently started an internship with a local photographer, so I've had experience working in a studio before, but that didn't keep me from being nervous.  I guess I was a little worried because I had never been to the studio on campus before, and I didn't know what to expect. We were supposed to bring in an object to use as a still life.  I decided to bring this candle holder (not sure if that's what it's actually called, but I'm going with it) in because my family has had it for years and I thought it would look cool.  We got to work with a bunch of lights and backgrounds which was fun.  I'm really happy with the results.

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