Sunday, March 29, 2015

Self Portrait

These are a couple of photographs from my most recent Digital assignment.  We were required to shoot a "self portrait" with text.  We didn't have to take actual pictures of ourselves, the point of this project was to maybe learn a little bit more about ourselves, and use quotes/song lyrics to express our personalities.  I ended up using lyrics from a few of my favorite songs.  This was definitely a challenging assignment, but I'm very happy with my results.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Body

I am very happy with my results for this project.  I had a hard time figuring out where to start, but after a while, everything started coming together.  My sister helped me out again (she was also photographed for my "Embracing Our Differences" project a few months ago).  I feel like I've definitely improved since then.  For the majority of this shoot, I took pictures of Olivia's back, but I also experimented with her hands a little bit toward the end.  She had a lot of fun helping me out.  I love the way the light is hitting her hands in the last shot.  I took others, but that one is by far my favorite.  Out of all of the projects I've done so far in my college career, I feel this one is my best.  I've never felt this happy/confident about my photographs before.  It's such a great feeling.    


I made four prints for this project, but I feel like this one was my best.  The other three were okay, but this one was definitely more abstract than the rest.  I would post the others, but I'm honestly not very happy with them and I only want to publish my best work.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Window Light

For my Lighting class, we were required to shoot a human subject using window light as the main light in each photograph.  This picture of my mom and our dog, Max, is one of my favorites from the shoot.  I love how dramatic window light can make a photograph feel/look.  I definitely want to continue experimenting.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This was the second project that I shot in the studio.  I definitely felt a little more relaxed this time around because I knew what to expect.  I had so much fun photographing my friend Lindsey! I took about 100 shots, but I felt these were my strongest.  They looked great in color too, but I love the way they look in black and white.  As I was shooting these, I was already picturing them converted to b&w. (I do that pretty much every time I shoot)  I'm very happy with the results.  This was the first time that I  started feeling like a professional photographer.  I know I'm not actually at that point yet, but working in the studio with all of the lights and equipment, I felt so cool.  I can't wait to work in the studio again!    

Still Life

This was the first assignment that I had to do for my Lighting class.  This was also toward the very beginning of the semester.  I used to work at the Target Portrait Studio and I just recently started an internship with a local photographer, so I've had experience working in a studio before, but that didn't keep me from being nervous.  I guess I was a little worried because I had never been to the studio on campus before, and I didn't know what to expect. We were supposed to bring in an object to use as a still life.  I decided to bring this candle holder (not sure if that's what it's actually called, but I'm going with it) in because my family has had it for years and I thought it would look cool.  We got to work with a bunch of lights and backgrounds which was fun.  I'm really happy with the results.

Spring Semester 2015

It's been a while since my last post.  I'm a little behind since we're already two months into the spring semester, but I'm going to share some of the projects I've been working on anyway.  This was the first assignment I was given in my Digital 2 class.  I drove to Corey Beach with my friend Chloe hoping to get some good shots.  This was around January 29th so it was just after the big blizzard, Juno, hit.  I knew it would be cold so I dressed accordingly, but oh my goodness it was absolutely freezing.  We only stayed for about a half an hour because our fingers were basically frozen.  It was a bit rushed so I left feeling a little nervous/unsure if I got anything decent, but I was pretty happy in the end.  These were the two that I ended up printing.