Saturday, December 13, 2014

Final Project

Here are a few examples that I will most likely end up using for my final project in my Digital class.  I decided to take pictures of my house at Christmas time.  My family and I have a ton of decorations that we've been collecting over the years and I thought it would be perfect to document some of these things.  I wanted to do them all in black and white because I feel that it adds a classic/ vintage feel to my photographs.  I'm not completely happy with the quality of these online, they look a lot better in person, I promise!  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's projects on Monday and to hopefully get some feedback from my peers.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I can't believe there's only two weeks left in the semester, these past three months have gone so fast.  I was looking through my files on my Passport in my Digital class and I came across a few photographs that I completely forgot to edit.  I probably already said this, but I'm obsessed with black and white photography.  Pretty much all of my pictures are changed to b&w at some point just to see what they would look like. This is one of those pictures that I can't really remember what I was doing or why, but I'm glad I did because I think it looks pretty cool.  I love photographing light, especially Christmas lights around the holidays.  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Embracing Our Differences

I decided to try something a little different for this particular project.  I don't normally take portraits for my assignments, but I thought I'd step out of my comfort zone a little bit for this one.  This is my fourteen year old sister Olivia.  She was diagnosed with Scoliosis (abnormal curving of the spine) when she was in Kindergarten, causing her to have to wear a brace up until she was twelve.  We pretty much knew from the beginning that she would have to undergo extensive surgery when she got older, but at the time we weren't sure when that would happen.  Her curve kept getting progressively worse over the years, and in the summer of 2012, she was rushed into surgery.  I asked her if she would mind posing for me, and at first she was definitely a little hesitant about it.  It hasn't been easy for her dealing with this scar for the past two years.  She decided to go through with it though, and I feel this photograph shows just how strong she is, and that even though it has been extremely difficult, she has learned to embrace it.  I couldn't be more proud of her.